Monday, August 14, 2006

Camping Bonham State Park

We had a great camping trip with our ward. we had a lot of family time too. It was a great way to spend our last week of summer break before school starts.

Joshlynn had a blast digging in the sand and building great sand castles. She didn't much care for the bottom of the swimming
hole. It was a yucky feeling and the rocks hurt. She found a lot of clam shells and colored rocks. Her favorite part of the trip was playing in the water.

Jami had to spend the last day rolling around in the stroller.
The back of her heels got rubbed too much from her shoes. she couldn't wear anything on her feet because it hurt too bad. she got carried everywhere the last day. Her favorite part was pushing her friends in the hammock.

In this picture Samantha is focusing real hard on a friend getting his pole baited for fishing. I hope she is taking good no
tes because I am not a big fan of touching live bait. Her favortie part of the trip was eating all the special treeats and junk food we took with us.

KC spent a lot of the time in the water or asking to be in the wa
ter. He wanted to fish so bad but all of our poles were broken. KC claims to have gotten stung by a bee in his mouth but we couldn't find a stinger and he was never swollen. He also stubbed his toes a few times. His favorite part was swimming.

Zoe had a rough weekend. She is pushing through teeth and had a cold. She also didn't sleep well without her normal bed and nap times. She loved the water, grass and sand.

Scott and his friend Chris walked and swam to the other side of the swimming hole.
They had a great time being a way from life for a few minutes. It sure is nice for the men in our lives to take some time off from work and school to go and play with the family.

We had a great time walking through the museums near by and to see the History of Fanin County. We saw clothes they wore, China they had, pianos, music they made, old record palyers, planes from one of the wars, a fire truck that still runs and lots more.

My favortite part was being with my family and watching them be happy without tv and video games. I also enjoyed the friends and converstaions.

More pictures of our trip.

1 comment:

Bradford Bunch said...

Sounds like you had a great time. But seriously hand the camera over to someone else so we can see you having fun j/k glad you guys had time together.

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