Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What We Really Are

I decided to join the blog world since it offers more than my old page. I am following my sister and a bunch of friends. I hope this works because I don't want to change again.

I will go through each memebr of the family an give a brief description of us. Hopefully i have recent pictures of everyone.

Scott is always smiling and it gets bigger when the camera is pointed his way.
His work load has lightened however I don't think the stress has. He always has something to say or can come up with something to say.

Nette-- Well I am always behind the camera so everyone will have to wait until I can get someone to take a picture of me. I just got called to be an assitant leader for Achievement Day girls in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am excited to work with my future babysitters.

KC has really enjoyed swimming this summer mostly beacause I don't have to watch him as closely anymore. He has great dives and is alwyas learning new games and tricks in the water. His summer activities have been rock climbing, gymanstics, swimming and friends.

Joshlynn has enjoyed sun bathing. She loves to swim but spends a lot of the time on the pool deck roasting in the sun. She has had regular palydates with friends here and there. She is enjoying gymanstics and is excited beacuse she just got moved to a different level. However she recently tore some ligaments in her arm near her elbow so she will have to sit out for a while

Jami is taking swimming lessons this week. she is being taught by her Daddy. She cries when it is time but is excited for the progress she has made when finished with a lesson. She is the peace maker of the home. Dhe tries to cheer everyone up are to solve all conflicts. Her smile is so warm and sincere.

Samantha is the trouble maker and bossy one in the family. She has a very strong spirit and is determined to get what she wants. She has a lot of spunk and loves to talk. She loves to play with her baby dolls and to be the mom. She has 3 Zoe's.

Zoe is our happy child. She hardly cries or gets upset. She goes with the flow and loves it. She is trying very hard to walk but doesn't have enough courage to do it by herself. She loves to climb the stairs and is slowly learning how to come down. We think she can and chooses not to. She loves to clap and applaudes peop;e all the time.

1 comment:

Bradford Bunch said...

Hey Janette, I am so glad you have joined the blogging world, I love it, I will check everyday. Zoe is sooooo big, she looks like she has just grown up so fast. Hey I have been soo busy but I will email you the info if you want to take a look at the family book that I put together, you can look at it online. I will try to send out an email today with the info. I'm stoked that you have a blog

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