Sunday, September 24, 2006


KC had his first game on Saturday. I only got to see him stretch. Zoe was sick and shaking and crying so bad that I ended up leaving Mom K. at the game with KC and Joshlynn while I took Zoe, Sam and Jami to the Doctor.

It was a stressful morning but had great cooperation from everybody. Zoe had ear infections and the startings of bronchitis.

KC got to play goalie for part of the game. He made one goal. I guess the score was 7 to 0. we aren't suppose to keep score but someone did. MomK got to see the whole thing so ask her how it went.

We had a great game, Got Zoe taken care of, drenched by the 5 min down poor and still had time to eat, visit, play and make it home before Scott was finished with Stake youth Volleyball. thank goodness for modern day technology and team work.

Thanks Mom for the help on Saturday.

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