Tuesday, October 24, 2006

It has been so long

Sorry everybody. I haven't updated because soccer has taken over for a little bit. We have done so much lately but I haven't had time to post.

We have been to the zoo, pumpkin patch, soccer, birthdays and much more.

Jami had a fantastic birthday. She got two parties this year. That is right she got cake twice. Some of her gifts were strawberry shortcake dolls, camera, puzzles, lots of jewelry, a purse, clothes, money(she bought a barbie training a dog), Barbies and a lot more....A whole lot more. Thanks everybody for helping us celebrate.

KC has had a great soccer season. He has learned a lot this year. Each game I wonder who is taht kid out there and everyone tells me that is KC. He really enjoys it and is excited to play every position. He sometimes forgets when he is play defender. He will defend and then run to catch up with the ball and stay with it. I too have learned a lot this year. I have actually been able to watch the games this season. He is doing good in school and

Joshlynn has been challanging her teacher at school to cahllenge her more. Joshlynn is reading thrid grade chapter books. Her reading group is of 4 girls. they were given a book on Monday and had until Thursday to finish. They would discuss and do a report(booklet of questions)on Friday. To thier teachers surprise they finished the book Wednesday and had time to discuss it. They comprehended everything. The teacher is now trying to figure out how to challenge her in all of the other subjects. She is loving the attention and dealing really well with it all.

Not much has changed with Samantha. Our days have gotten better with one another. Samantha takes care of all of the pets in our house. she gives them food, water and lots of love. She plays great games with her baby dolls. She is a great mother. She must have learned form the best. HAHAHAHAH. Samantha and Zoe are learning to play with each other. Samantha doesn't boss and Zoe makes Samantha laugh.

Zoe becomes more of a toddler and less of a baby every day. She is free to roam the house. There are no baby gates blocking the stairs anymore. However the babygate is blocking access to KC's room. He has too many little pieces that he doesn't keep put away. zoe eats real people food now. She is not a big fan of meat but loves everything else. The other night she had 3 large servings of Mac and cheese, corn and bread. We then went to a party were she downed fruit, cookies, sandwiches and lots of water. She is an eating machine.

We took a family trip to the zoo. Our Gorilla exhibit recently opened. We got to see one of the Gorillas his name is Hercules. We also so the new crocodile exhibit and the penguins that just came. We had a good time together and were very glad that Scott was able to go with us.

As you can see we are doing well and keeping busy. Check back next week to see what Halloween costumes we have this year.

Love to all

1 comment:

Bradford Bunch said...

Love to see the updates. Looks like things are really going well for all of you. I love trips to the zoo with the kids. Cant wait to see Halloween next week and to show you ours.

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