Sunday, March 18, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

We did a lot of things this last week so if you have to scroll down I am sorry but I am sure you will all enjoy!!!!!!
We ventured off to the zoo Thursday Afternoon. We only visited a few of the animals but had a great time. The monkeys performed for us. The big cats were lazy except the tiger it was in the water and jumped out and ran to it's normal corner to pace. We finished off at the penguins and were able to measure and see what penguin the kids are the same size as.

After the zoo we went out to dinner and then played at Chuckee Cheeses!! Zoe has learned how to put tokens into the games so we have to follow her and play her games for you. The kids received cool gifts with the tickets they won from the games. Some got jewelry and candy. Sammy got a hand popper thing ma do and KC got a packet to make his own bouncy balls.

Zoe on the Chuckee bus

step1 poor given mix into mold2 hold mold in water 1 min. step 3 let mold sit for 3 min.

Tada you have a bouncy ball

And last but not Least we celebrated Joshlynn's 7th birthday. She had a girl party and the girls dressed up as rock stars. She had 3 friends from school celebrate with her. She got wonderful gifts that made her grin from ear to ear. She got littlest pet shop pets, Another doodle bear to add to her doodle collection, a science jewelry kit, a vanity, a book store gift card, a digital littlest pet and a princess cash register.

We all had a great time and managed to find the energy to go to our local plant store and bought chickens. 4 of them. In about 3 months we will be getting lots of eggs.


Aub said...

Looks like your families been busy and the girls look great in their rockstar outfits. Will you have eggs by Easter?

Bradford Bunch said...

I can't believe the whole chicken thing, sounds cool , but lots of work, I guess the kids will have fun taking care of them right?

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