Monday, March 12, 2007

It's been a while

We have been so busy with extra activities. We are settled down this week due to spring break and everything being closed.

Updates of the kids

KC did a great job in basketball he caught on as to how this group plays basketball. Soccer season has started and KC has been playing in the goalie a lot. We have a lot of practicing to do. There is a lot of goal to cover for being such a little guy. He had a great field trip to a gymnastics place. They did a lot of math games with hands on and physical activities.

Joshlynn just keeps losing teeth. Luckly they grow in quick. She is advancing well in gymnastics. She is learning to Jump from low bar to the high bar and flip off. she also has been having to do headstands like Grandma Knight taught us in January. She is finally having to think a little at school about the answes she gives. They don't just come to anymore. She is excited to celebrate her birthday. It is a Pop Star girl party.
Joshlynn is not Camera Friendly right now so we do not have current pictures.

Jami had a great ballet performance and was positioned in the center because she new the routine and would complete the dance. She is learning how letters work to form words and can spell and write the word him. She is excited that we almost have all the forms to register her for school. Samantha is trying to give up naps and isn't winning. We tried it for a week but she fell asleep every night while eating dinner. We have changed her diet a little to help her with her allergies. She was happy to search for new things to eat. She is eager to learn but doesn't like follwing the instructions in her work book(color all squares red, all circles yellow) she wants to just color and that she does.
Zoe is as happy as ever. She has recently explored the backyard without me following closely behind. She plays outside for 15-20 minutes and then checks in. I go out to see what she does and I have to do an obsticle course with her. We jump for 5 sec., swing 2 times down the slide 2 times and run and start over again. I am having a blast with it but I think it is because I can do it with her unlike with the other kids.

1 comment:

Bradford Bunch said...

So fun to catch up on your family. The kids are getting so big and it makes me sad to see them all grown up. London also loves to check in on your blog and see her "Texas Cousins" as she tells everyone.

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