Friday, May 25, 2007

10 Year Celebration

This one is for my mom and sisters to see my fit that I wore. I was having issues with the DJ so wasn't happy at the moment. I am so glad that we took this picture when we did. For those of you that hadn't heard Zoe exploded all over the two of us about an hour into the party.
This is the Pace house. It is Garland history. too much to say on the blog but if you are interested. You can go to Garlands web page.
Oh look at the two of us. Does it look like 10 years????????
The Knight dinner table. The tables turned out great but the wind was so strong that the vases kept falling over before the party started and we had to hang some tablecloths up to dry.
Individual pictures of how cute and handsome the kids are.






Dancing Machines(Jumping I should say)

Games with the DJ

Cake in the face, in my hair on my shirt

But I got him back good

We got to dance to our song



Bradford Bunch said...

Looks like you guys had a blast and everyone looked great. Too bad you had a messy experience only an hour into the whole shabang. Looks like a good time was had by all. Happy Anniversary and Birthday.

Aub said...

Glad that it overall was a great 10th anniversary party. Congrats again! I love the girls outfits.

Anonymous said...

Wow what a cute little family. Looks like fun dinner, Dancing. The kids look so cute.

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