Saturday, May 05, 2007

3 things and this is the end.

I am the last out of family and friends to be tagged. I guess I let too much info out or I am boring as my Dad says. Just kidding I really do laugh at that.

1.I really hate that I don't have the money to get my house as organized as I want it a clear tote for everything with shelves in every closet and pretty filing cabinets and for toys to dissappear.

2.I have a license to carry. i am just not comfortable with the idea and haven't found what I want.

3.I wish parents can teach children to respect the things around them. I understand that kids will be kids I have 5 but come on people. If you don't care how will they.

The tagging is over and it was fun.


Bradford Bunch said...

So my favorite store for organize is of course the container store and it just so happens to be right across from the parking lot of the pedicure place, anyways, it is a great place to get storage ideas.

Anonymous said...

That's where I will be spending my money!!

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