Saturday, July 21, 2007


On our way,
just driving down the road something shot straight through the tire.
Luckily Scott is always on the ball of having cars prepared for flats and the sort.
10 minutes later we were on the road again.

Our first ride was Yosimte Sam. A fun ride to ease Jami into what she was there for.

"Wow this is fun can we do it again?"

Spray Park to cool off. Joshlynn kept looking straight down at the whole waiting for the water to shoot up. Every time she got a strong spray in her mouth and face. Jami hopped from circle to circle getting as wet as she possibly could.

Jami wasn't tall enough to ride some of the rides by herself so Scott and I took turns with her. Scott makes the best out of every ride. He looks like he is going to jump out.

They played a game twice so each would win a lion/tiger(adults think tiger, kids think lion). Scott and I kept bumping Joshlynn on the second round so Jami had a chance to win.

This is one of our favorite rides. We rode it first and then they stayed on the bridge to get sprayed.

As we rode this ride a storm was blowing in and clouds covered the sky and the girls were cold for a while. the clouds made the rest of the day pleasant and cooler.

There is nothing like relaxing on the merry-go-round. We had hip hop music instead of Merry-go-round music. A band was playing in front of it.

It was a great trip. Joshlynn's favorite part was the spray park. Jami's favorite ride is the Sponge bob movie(4-D). Scott's favorite was watching Jami's face on the tea cup ride when he spun them in circles. My favorite was riding a kid roller coaster ride with Jami 4 or so times in a row.


Aub said...

Amusement parks are always so much fun. Glad that Scott was able to fix the tire and that it didn't ruin the trip.

Anonymous said...

Looks like alot of fun what a great date. I remember all the fun you kids had when we would take you to Great America.We just watched the video of Great America with you kids not to long ago its great to have the old videos to watch.

Bradford Bunch said...

so fun for the family. It seems like you guys are having a great summer.

Baranie said...

I found your blog. My girls enjoyed it, but I have trouble reading the dark text on the dark background.

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