Sunday, October 07, 2007

I can finally post some pictures

We have had so much going on since I last blogged and posted family pictures. We started school.

KC started 3rd Grade and has an
awesome guy teacher with snakes as the classroom pets.
Jami has started Pre-K and loves every bit of it. Joshlynn is a 2nd grader and has finally fell into a good and challanging year. She is still top of her class but the answers don't come as quickly as they use to.
KC has started soccer again and Jami is taking tap and Jazz. They are so excited to be doing the same things as their cousins on both sides of the family.
Jami is learning to balance on tap shoes and weird flooring. It is not flooring that I would use for tap but it is all that they have.
She is shaking her caboose to the tail feather song. They were laughing so hard they couldn't shake thier tail feathers
This is at practice and Scott is teaching KC to slide tackle.
KC did it great but I didn't get the ball in the picture.
KC plays sweeper. He is doing great and enjoying the sport.
He is on a bigger field this year and it took aliitle getting
use to. His team is in 1st and the tied thier last game with
the 2nd place team.

We finally had the chance to use some of the money the kids were rewarded with for reading and went to a drive through zoo. ( Not sure what they are actually called but it was cool.
Fossil Rim is where we went. It took us about 3 hrs to get through the trail.


Aub said...

What a neat experience to be able to drive like your in the Safari.

Anonymous said...

That is so cool that you can get that close to the animals. hoe fun

Anonymous said...

Tell KC that Hannah plays sweeper as well and sometimes Emily plays it too. They love defense and the challenge of stealing the ball from the offense.

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