Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pumpkin patches

I had fun playing with the pictures. Grandmas will be getting a 5X7 of them.

Tis the season for Farms and pumkin patches. I got to go with Jami on a school fieldtrip to a farm to get a pumpkin. It was not the best fieldtrip ever actually one that made me realize that I need to be on every fieldtrip that my kids go on. Jami had a blast and did really good for being on the go all day.

Jami is sitting in the Emergency Window row. Her first trip on a school bus and she loved it. Her teachers and other parents say she talked the entire way. I drove so I didn't get to experience it with her.

Two days later Sam and Zoe got to go to a different farm and pumpkin patch. I am all over this place for next year. $6 a person and you get unlimited hay rides, feed the animals, look at more animals, pick a pumpkin, ride a train pulled by a tractor and look through the museum of the Owens sausage farm. The sheep were fun the girls fed them out of the cup and out of the hand.

Sam got to climb on a spider. She couldn't decide on a pumpkin for a long time. She played and climbed some more and decided on a small green and orange one. Zoe wanted to take them all.

We got stuck there for a while. Someone had parked nosed up to us and I couldn't get out. Thank goodness Scott was at the shop and was able to get Jami from school.


Bradford Bunch said...

So fun, i love this time of year, we start our pumpkin patch festivities this week with the church playgroup on Wed. and London's fieldtrip on Friday and then with the fam on Sat. Great pics of the girls by the way. Becuause it is fall they would look good in Sepia too, that brownish antique color.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I love pumpkin patch pictures. We are going this week.

Aub said...

Oh fun! If it can stop raining we'll go to the pumpkin patch and corn maze.

Orange Peanut said...

You take suck beautful pictures!!! I just love them!!!


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