Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Bowl party


Preparing for the Super Bowl was a great way to have one on one time with the kids. They each helped prepare our snacks for the party. Joshlynn made rice krispy treats. She measured and that was about it. Samantha put together our veggie tray. Samantha loves to be in the kitchen. She will definitely be making our dinners soon. She learned how to peel the carrots, but was disappointed when I wouldn't let her use the knife. Jami put together our cookie tray. She learned how to organize and stack cookies to make a nice presentation. Zoe helped me with the cheese. She told me the colors of the cheese and matched them to the other colors in the kitchen. KC stayed away from the kitchen because he was fasting and the food was all to tempting for him. I did get to have great conversations with him about fasting. He learned that it is one of my weaknesses but becoming a strength by practicing.

the Super Bowl was fun even if we really didn't have a team to get hyped up about. We went for the Giants and chose well. We loved the commercials. The lizards are our favorite. the kids had to retire to be at normal bed time so they missed out on the Victory but were anxious the next morning for us to announce the score and who one. I never thought the super bowl would bring so many blessing to family togetherness and team work but it did.


scrumches bunches said...

Janette you just showed how every moment and every thing can be a teaching moment whether it be colors for Zoe to presentation for Jamie and a spiritual moment with KC keep up the good work you are a good Mom.

Anonymous said...

How fun I agree with Mom. It's just like our conversation the other day. I'm glad you had fun. P.S. The kids get bigger and bigger in every post.

Katrice Phipps said...

Looks like you guys had a good time!!

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