Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Finally the event that everyone was here for.

Joshlynn's Baptism


Aub said...

Congrats Joshlynn! You're growing up so fast.

Anonymous said...

The baptism was very spiritual and enjoyed by all of us Lochabay's, thank you for inviting us to be a part of your special day Joshlynn. You are a precious girl and you have an awesome family!

Orange Peanut said...

Congrats to you and Scott and to Joshlynn too! How very exciting indeed!

Unknown said...

Yeah Joshlynn I am so proud of you and your decision, I have not seen a pic of you in a long time and I had to laugh a little becuase you remind me so much of your mommy when she was a little girl. I hope you had a great day and I hope you wrote about it in your journal, it is a day that you will want to remember.
Antie Nelle

Katrice Phipps said...

She looks so much like you! Tyson called Jacqueline, Joshlynn the other day!! Thanks for the pictures!!

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