Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Snow in March.

We got it. Its already gone and we might get some more. Zoe's first fun experience with snow
Sam just realized she was standing on a piece of cardboard
Sam loved it she didn't have to ask me for little ice (sonic ice)
Zoe enjoyed a lot of it. she would stop in the middle of a snow fight to eat some.


Katrice Phipps said...

Oh, fun. I wish it would snow here!!

scrumches bunches said...

Looks like fun. I wanted to pack light for the trip but I don't know what to do!

Orange Peanut said...

Snow in TX? What area are you in? My brother-in-law and his family live in Frisco and my sister-in-law had posted pictures of them playing in the snow too! How fun!!! We, on the other hand, are wearing t-shirts and flip-flops, gotta love CA!!!

ClineClan said...

I heard about the snow. We are grateful ours is mostly gone--this area had above average snowfall this year--not they best way to start out living in a new area. It was fun, however, seeing the kids experience the snow and they loved it but are grateful it is gone so we can start baseball.

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