Thursday, April 03, 2008

Sam is so Pretty in Blue

This picture doesn't do justice. Her eyes were so blue today with this shirt on. We had fun taking pictures for fun. I let her do her own thing and sit how she wanted. Unlike my photo sessions with the kids. Zoe posed too but she was being so goofy that I didn't get a good.


Anonymous said...

Sam is pretty in any color! All your children are adorable!! Hey--I have a camera full of pictures Zoe took on my camera last night, I bet today she was asking if she could take the pictures...sorry:) I thought about how that might be a problem after the fact.

Katrice Phipps said...

Very pretty girls!

scrumches bunches said...

cute pics Janette Sam is cute no matter what but she does look really good in blue. I miss you guys!

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