Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Things we do to keep busy.

We have had to be creative to keep our days exciting so this is what we have done.

We washed bikes and got to play with water. Swimming gets old when you do it every day.
Jami was running a fever but wanted to join in only she thought that the kids had to wash the bikes. She went out in her pajamas and got her bike and a rag and started washing. One of the kids got the hose and started the water games and sprayed everybody. Jami was so upset becasue she was working hard and didn't want to get wet. she was in tears for a while and sat down with me for the remainder of the activity. Much Fun was had by the rest and the bikes were shiny for a day or two.
KC's hair needed cut so I set up shop and had him come in with his request. So here are the results. he has had several comments from "Cool hair" to "what in the world". He knows how I feel about it. I don't like it but it is fun.

We hold dance jams every afternoon. Zoe has worn this tutu for 2 weeks now. She calls it her skirt and wants it to be on all of the time. We went to a concert in the park(great idea Scott) and Zoe had to wear the skirt. It was great and she fit right in with the music.

We missed out on three birthday parties of some really great friends so I put together a party for my kids. We had balloons, cake, BBQ, swimming, water balloons and more. We celebrated with Linda and sang Happy Birthday to our friends(well Linda and I sang in hopes the kids would sing too).

We are doing well but are lonely. Joshlynn has been able to get out and play with friends, but we are used to them all coming here. My kids are troopers and understand very well what is going on. Zoe did have a hard time on Sunday when she realized she wasn't going to church. I let her throw her tantrum because she was right in her thoughts and deserved the opportunity to be upset for a while.

Stay posted I have more planned for us to do these next two weeks.


Katrice Phipps said...

Your a good Mom Janette. It seems you have a lot of patience, which comes in handy with 5 kids!!

The Staub Squad said...

Oh Nette, we miss your family too. Church just isn't the same without you guys!! Not to mention summer isn't the same.

Bradford Bunch said...

Seems like you guys are keeping busy and Love the new hair do for KC, thank goodness it is summer and he can get away with it. Love ya Oh yeah I am gettingt around to sending out Mom and Dad's video, sorry it is taking so long.

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