Wednesday, July 09, 2008

What to do when there is nothing to do

We have another summer with no boys around for KC to play with. I have let him roam the neighbor hood in search for boys his age to play with but there are none to be found until the late pm hours when we are eating and bathing and sleeping. So what do we do........... The littles are asleep and Joshlynn is at a friends house so KC and I make yummy lasagna. He is available week days and is saving for a ticket to six flags.


scrumches bunches said...

I think that you should send KC to California, Riley would love to have someone to play with everyday that wasn't an adult,besides he could make lasagna for us as well. BONUS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I happen to know of 5 boys that love playing with KC and would jump at the chance! They live just down your street too--if he would call they'd come out and play when they can.

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