Saturday, November 29, 2008

New set up

Last week while the kids and I were sick Scott worked on the house a bit. He put in a new entertainment center and added storage space to the Family Room. I love it soooo much. I spent all last week on the couch with Samantha while she was fighting a chest cold. I could not fall asleep because I was afraid that when I woke up my new set up would be gone. I kept staring at it because I love it so much. You can stare at it too and love it so much with me.The kids love it too. They are doing such a good job of keeping the backpacks and coats put away. Scott hung hooks in the tall cabinet for the backpacks and coats. We no longer see them nor trip over them. I can keep all of my office stuff close to me and not strung all over the house or piled up on the printer and desk. I love it sooooo much. Thanks Scott. Scott and I spent an afternoon staining it. It was fun working with Scott.


Baranie said...

That looks awesome! I am glad you guys are feeling better. Baranie

Unknown said...

Wow that is so different from the last time I was at your house and that was a longgggg time ago. Wonderful job I love it. :)

Katrice Phipps said...

Very nice. Good job Scott!

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