Saturday, November 29, 2008

Other things we do but don't have pictures of

I have no pictures to go along with these things because I have wanted to sit back and watch or participate.

Joshlynn participated in the UIL(United interscholastic League) competition again this year. She was on the poetry team. She spent 1 1/2 months going to practices and learning about poetry. At the contest she was given two topics to choose from and then she wrote a poem about it. She received an honorable mention award and had a blast learning about poems and being around people with the same interests as her. We do not get to see the poem but we do get to see her happy face from her great accomplishment. She is now entering into a Reflections contest were she has to create a picture using crayons, paint, computer graphics, metal or wood and go by the theme "WOW".

Jami is finishing up her Tap class this semester and is ready for it to be over. They are not doing a performance this semester due to a conflict with the techers wedding and school schedule so Jami is very dissappointed and wants to be done. She wants to join Joshlynn in the choir and go to those performances. I do have to say that the choir is a very rewarding activity. There are so many performances and opportunities for solos and to be the spotlight. Starting in January both Joshlynn and Jami will be singing and dancing for us.

Zoe is learning and growing every minute. She is coming more and more independant. During our Thanksgiving dinner she was cold so she got up from the table(without asking a big no no during dinner time) and closed the slider door. She did it all by herself and without asking. It made me sad that she is growing up but it made me feel so proud that she can think and do for herself and with great confidence. She too loves the choir and practices in the back when she gets to go. She sings and dances at home and is always wearing a dress.

KC is testing his boundries. He is making some poor choices and paying the consequences. He is not doing wnything reall bad just very dissappointing and are not the things that we have taught him. He is very loving to his family and we love him dearly. I just hope this is a phase and will pass shortly. He spends a lot of time doing homework(left over class work mostly) and riding his bike. He has found where all the kids in the neighborhood live and goes for bike rides to see who can play. He is getting a few tricks on his bike mastered and loves to show us what he can do.

We have enjoyed many family walks and family movies lately. I am trying my hardest to keep us all together for dinner and activities but I know with sports and school activities I am going to have to try harder and. It is what my family needs at the end of each day. Let me know how you get the family together at the end of each day.


Unknown said...

Your kids are so active. Rori also did the Reflections but she did photography with my old digital was pretty cute.

Anonymous said...

Busy busy busy I love it. I found out why you didn't get my announcment for Laikyn. I sent it to your old address. I forgot to cross out your old one in my book. Who knows what elses I've sent their.

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