We had our first big rain this year and I love this day. I pulled out our rainy day box from the attic and the girls have been happily playing for 3hrs now. We have the train set, Mr. Potato head(we have 3 different sets so in all it is 5 potato heads to play with), wind up race cars and playdough. Have I mentioned how much I love this day. No one is fighting and everyone has something to do.
KC will have to skip out because he again made some bad choices. He does everything that he should do with many reminders but he also does everything he shouldn't do. I am sure he will have some fun today as we feed the missionaries. That is always fun for little boys. He has recently earned his Bear in Cub Scouts and is focusing on all the activity badges he can do as a Webelo.
I hope others around me can enjoy the rain as much as I do. I just wish it was a little warmer so we can go splash in the puddles. Driving through them will have to do for now.
Other reasons why I am grateful for and love the rain(if you read my families blogs you will know why I added this section)
1. My allergies aren't a problem
2. I don't have to water the garden
3. Sometimes it keeps Scott from having to work and he can spend the whole day with us.
4. The earth looks so clean and I can focus and appreciate the beauty that has been created for us.
We have had too much rain lately. Even though we need it, I'm happy for the sunshine!!
I have to agree with Katrice I am enjoying the sunshine, however I can't wait for the day when I can sit back and enjoy the rain and not worry every time the business phone rings.
I miss the big rainy days of Texas. We could definitely use some rain here in CO. What a fun idea to have a rainy day box!
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