Conference was great. I have one more session from Saturday to listen to and I am sure it will be as great and as helpful as the other 3 sessions I listened to. I find it so neat that some of the talks really get me and make me feel as if they are talking directly to me. They definitely gave me some things to ponder on and great direction for the things I need, want and desire for my family. Temple attendance, tough it out through change, finances and so much more.
The kids did great I had a tally mark sheet for them to use for if they chose to listen. KC stayed put for the whole thing, but as soon as the girls heard the organ and the choir they were up and off doing quiet things. I wish they were in the room for President Thomas S. Monsons last remarks when he was talking to every member of the family. Thank goodness for DVR's and lds.org and the Ensign.
I am very thankful for a relaxing day and being spiritually fed. Oh and I loved the yummy brisket we ate at a friends house after.
I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did.

I didn't get to see any of Sat. sessions but I enjoyed Sunday's
thanks to Elvin inviting us over, Susan is in Utah some of the talks made me tear up at times, I agree that sometimes it is as if they are just for us personally.
I agree conference was great. Love the family pictures. Holy cow is that a pic. of you to. I could hardly believe it. you made an apperance on your blog. cute shirt
I love conference! I especially love when I get the May or November Ensign magazine because then I can read the things that were said that I may have missed with my little ones jabbering! I had conference packets for my boys and other things for them to do, but you know that will only keep their interest for so long!
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