It was a lovely Saturday and everyone had somewhere to be or something to do. KC was on a hike and the rest of us were invited to a friends house to celebrate birthdays. We are all having fun and Scott and I were planning a trip to the temple that evening. We got a phone call around 2:30 and I surely thought the conversation was going to be something like " hi Mom we are headed home". Instead it went something like this "Um sister Knight we have KC here and he got hit in the head with a rock he is bleeding and we have him bandaged up but he would like to talk to you." Well most everyone knows how KC is when he gets hurt and he cannot calm down so you can imagine what it was like to try to talk to him over the phone and try to calm him down. After talking with him I passed the phone to Scott to find out where to meet them and to make a plan. At this point they still had two hrs of hiking down the trail so we just sat back with phone in hand and let the girls play. We received another phone call that KC wasn't responding and they had called 911 to come help. Through a few phone calls and exchange of numnbers we were able to stay in communication with the EMT's and they were able to direct us to the right hospital.
The girls stayed at the friends house wich just so happens to be my visiting teachers home and Scott and I headed to to meet KC. On our way the EMT's called and said we are taking him to Harbor view Medical Center. Luckily Scott and I weren't too far down the road and just had to back track a few miles to get going in our new direction.
KC spent a few hours in the ER and then 1 1/2 days in ICU and 2 days in the pediatric care. He got to come home on the 24th. He was having a hard time with nausea and wanting to eat. While he was there his leaders and some of the boys came to visit and told him the whole story and brought him one of the sticks that was part of the stretcher that was built for him. He was sent home with a lot of restrictions and some meds. He did just fine when we got home and woke up the next day ready to eat and he kept it all down. He did a lot of sleeping and watching movies. We spent some time catching up on school work and playing games. He had several visitors and they all brought him candy and fun activities.
I was very torn through this as to where I should be. The girls were battling colds and wanted to attend school and I wanted to be there for them and comfort them but I also wanted to be with KC in the hospital to comfort him. Luckily Scott was able to take one of the spots. I stayed with KC the first night and then Scott stayed with him and I went home to tend to the house and comfort and love the girls. We got up and made it to school and Zoe rested and got better. Tears were shed by all and Love was brought in by many. I loved the phone calls and I loved the help. Scott and I were able to switch again and it worked out well. I still felt like I should be at home when I was at the hospital and when I was at home I felt that I should be at the hospital.
KC is doing well and has had his staples removed and we will be having follow up appoinments soon.
1 comment:
Wow, that is really scary. I'm so glad he's ok
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