Here is an update on all of us.
Scott has gotten all of his licensing done and insured and bonded to do screens here. It is going well but we are in the off season for screens so it will be slow right now. He is still doing some work for Jex Chiropractic and has enjoyed learning and being able to help others live a better healthier life. He is working with the Scouts and has been helping his group of boys build a hovercraft. The talk from everyone involved is great and we all can't wait to see the finished project.
I am thrilled about helping KC and have practiced patience a bit more than usual. We are both learning and growing from this. Sunshine Generation is a small group but we have fun. Our Christmas show is coming up and it is going to be so much fun. I am on the Parent board at Zoe's school and it has been interesting and demanding but I have met great people along the way. My callings in church are great. I am Activity Day leader and mostly work with the girls that are 10 and 11. I also teach valiant 8 on Sunday. Next year that will be Jami's class. Sorry I can't take pictures of myself.
KC is doing great. Not much is new with him. He enjoys playing the flute but doesn't like that we ask him to practice over and over until we hear it right. He is doing well in Scouts working on first class. I think that is what he is working on. I still don't understand it but I know he has his goals set and he is trying. He is excited about receiving the priesthood soon. Sundays he spends reading about it or sleeping. He is getting tall and is almost eye to eye with me. YIKES!!!! His report card came in with a C in science, a in computers and A in band. He is now just taking Band at the middle school and everything else is done at home through WAVA K12. Some days are good with it and others not so much. all in all it is working out.
Joshlynn is getting prettier and prettier every day. Her hair drives me nuts but we are trying new things and if that doesn't work a ponytail looks just fine. She recently tried for student council. She did not make it but on the council but she did make it as a class representative. Her voice is developing well and her hands tickle the piano just fine. We are talking about getting her in the discovery program in the schools or homeschooling like KC. We still have a few months to make this choice so we are just having small conversations about it. Her teacher says she is a perfect candidate for the program. Her Report Card came in with stunning 4's and 3's( number system explanation below)
Jami is such a social butterfly and tries to set up playdates for everyday. She loves fashion and music. She is assigned a ton of homework and has been good about it but would rather be putting together a magazine or trying on outfits. She too can tickle the piano well. She is also realizing that she is fragile and she can't always get in on the wrestling matches in the house nor the teasing. She often chooses to sit out of games in PE because she just gets hurt. Her teacher wants to challenge her a little more and has given her the task and goal of finding stronger books to read. Her report Card came in at all 3's but PE.
Samantha is so rough and tough with a big heart. She has agreed to go to school but often tries to pull a sick day on me just to stay home and do housework and bake. I have given in twice so far. She is usually carrying around paper, pencils, crayons, markers and paint. she is such an artist. Her bed is cluttered with it all because she works on it when she can't fall asleep. She loves the Dr. Seuss books that she started reading last year and has recently informed me that we do not have the entire collection. She mostly plays with the boys at school but gets along well with all the girls. Her report card cam in with 3's and 2's. Her teacher uses a 2 on the things that he just introduced.
Zoe rules everywhere she goes. it does not matter if we are in a grocery store or any school there is always someone that knows her. We often hear her name being called and then a hug following immediately. She recently won her teachers heart when a boy smashed her finger in the toy microwave. Her teacher came to help work the problem out but Zoe insured her with these words " us girls we just have to work it out". She cried it out by herself while cleaning up and then joined in on the next activity. She of course hugged the boy and told him she was fine. Her hair continues to get long and her smile grows bigger and bigger everyday. She loves preschool and got great reviews at the parent teacher conference. She needs to work on her last name and writing two digit numbers.
The kids are all participating in Sunshine Generation. It might not be their favorite thing to do some weeks but they are all doing well with it and are happy they get to participate and perform for others. They are also training for the Seattle kids Marathon. 26 miles over all. The have done a mile a day since October and on the day of the Marathon it will be 1.2 Miles and a great after party. Some things we are working on is respecting others and speaking kind words.
Number system for report cards by the end of the year some of the things that might have been a 1 or 2 can change to a 3 or 4.
4 above and beyond
3 Mastered
2 newly introduced or needs help
1 doesn't get it at all
1 comment:
Love the update I have to laugh Kylie is my artist too she is always drawing. excited that Scott is going to do screens their I'm sure it will be good. A whole new territory. Kids are beautiful. Love you lot's
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