Monday, August 21, 2006

Back to School

Today was back to school day for KC and Joshlynn. They had a good time. They didn't have much to say when they got home they just wanted to watch tv and sleep. Getting them home was crazy. The teachers had the kids waiting in different places. We have 2 other kids coming home with us and they were all waiting in different places. We got them home and had a snack. We hope tomorrow will go smoother and KC and Joshlynn will feel better.

Joshlynn started her day happy and toothless. she has lost 3 teeth in 2 days. She sat next to a classmate from last year and made a lot of new friends. She came home very tired and with a sore throat.
KC as you can tell spent the weekend sick and is still not feeling great and is having growing pains in his legs. He managed to make it through the first day and remember all the important things he needed to do are tell me. He got reaquainted with some of his old classmates and made new friends. He is excited to get to buy lunch at school because 2nd graders get a choice of what they eat.

Jami Sam and Zoe had a great time having the house back. I enjoyed having a break and some quiet time while naps were being taken. Yeah peace and quiet for an hour. Love it

1 comment:

Bradford Bunch said...

Gotta love those quiet moments. Hopefully KC and Josh will transition smoothly the rest of the week and hopefully feel better so they can play on Saturday. Back to school yeah for moms.

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