Saturday, April 12, 2008

Oh come on I don't have kids this age!!!!!!!

According to the note left on the porch this is revenge on Scott for the food fight and the team is made up of girls thinking they are getting Scott. I didn't even here them the first time they came down. All I heard was Scott talking down the street and the show I was watching and wishing he would shut up and come home. I know it was fun but I was having a really bad night and the bright flashes in my window were really starting to get to me. Time to go do the wake up call to come clean up.



Anonymous said... have a husband throwing firecrackers over the fence into backyards in the middle of the night! AND...he even hid all the pillows at the sleepover last night! You might not have kids this age yet, but you have a hubby who hasn't grown up yet. p.s....
the flashing was my camera, had to get some good pics for my blog!

scrumches bunches said...

Sorry that you are put in the cross fire it really isn't fair to you and probably twice as upsetting since you were not allowed to do this as a kid growing up.

Katrice Phipps said...

They got you good!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you made Scott clean that mess up.

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