Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sam can tie her shoes

This is Day 3 of trying to tie shoes. I am starting to get frustrated because she doesn't follow instructions. Yep another hard headed child who thinks they know everything.
This is Day 4 of learning and she did a great job. She followed all the rules.

What a great step in preparing for pre-k. We registered her last week so she is making sure she is ready to go. She is finally wanting to learn ABC's and 123's. She is doing well in soccer. She prefers Weekend games over weekday games. The weekday games are too late and she is too tired. She is growing up so fast and doing a great job at it. She wears the same size as Jami so they get to share clothes and they think it is so cool. I will have to get it on audio so when they are 14 and 15 and want to know what happened to the purple sweater they loved so much and neither is to blame I can rub it in their face that they once thought it was the coolesst thing.


Anonymous said...

Great Job!! You are really smart, Kirk thinks so too!!

I just buy velcro, you have way more patience than I with your wee ones, and we think your pretty terrific too!

scrumches bunches said...

YEAH SAM we are so proud of you what a good job tying and listening to instructions. We love and miss you.

Jamie said...

That is great! You've inspired me to try to teach my boys. The only problem is that Miles's only shoes with laces are his church shoes...and we're usually in too much of a hurry to have him learn how to tie them on Sunday!

Katrice Phipps said...

Good job Sam!!

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