It was The weekend of the Father son campout and I prepared a fun girly evening with my four girls. We watched movies, did hair, painted nails and had girl talk. Well the girl talk went something like this "When will dad be home I want to show him my nails" and "I miss the boys is KC going to be ok". Several times I tried to change the conversation to favorite songs and hair styles and so on. Jami was really the only one interested. Joshlynn threw a pitty party and cried for no reason(I know my mom will say "she is just like you Janette). Sam just talked about the boys and Zoe slept and slept because she was not feeling well. I just hope that my girls know I love them and we don't always have to be rough and tough we can be pretty and dainty at times.
Out night of pretty and daintiness are done and we are off to meet the boys at the lake for some play on the water.
so fun. It's times like these that we only get once in a while. I probably will have more then i have ever planned for but it is fun to do those things with the girls. It's funny how much they love their brother.
How fun. It is nice to just sit around & do girl things once in a while!!
How fun to have some time with just the girls! I'm looking forward to our Father and Sons campout in a week so I can have some alone time. However, every time I hear of friends getting with their daughters for a chick flick or something like that, I get a little sad. Oh well. One day!
This looks like my house, all the time
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