Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What a Weekend

KC came home with his score on his Math TAKS test 39/40. I couldn't ask for better. We gave him a hair cut and a dip in the pool and we were off to ............

Chuck E Cheese. We had a blast celebrating a friends birthday and playing all the games. The big hit was the roller coaster ride. We donated most of our tickets to another child because we were in a rush to get to.............

Jami's Ballet recital. Kaitlin (our kids babysitter) was able to sneak back to Jami's waiting room and get some good pics of her. We will have to wait for those pics but this one is from her dress rehearsal.
After we were able to get a bite to eat. We then headed home just to get a few hours of sleep before....
The shopping started. We had lots of shopping to do to get ready for an Iron Chef Cook off at Church. While Scott browsed the store for the equipment he needed for the video set up the kids and I enjoyed the big screen and comfortable seats at Fry's. We had to split up to geth the remainder of the shopping done. We had groceries and more equipment to get and were running out of time. The Activity was great unfortunately I have no pictures of the event because Scott and I were running the activity. Fun was had by all and we were looking forward to tomorrow being Sunday but.......Linda needed a ride to the airport. she is going to Ca to take care of cousins while our Nephew comes home from his Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints(he is in Florida). We took a family drive to the airport, made it to church 20 min late(we are never late but it was worth it). After Church Scott had invited friends to come over and help me eat birthday cake. Thanks all that came to help me turn another year older it was a blast. I just can't believe how many people wanted to know how old I was. Guess what tomorrow is a holiday so what do you think we did?

I finally got to sit with a book and let the kids sleep in , fix their own breakfast and play. Scott was supposed to work but his materials didn't arrive in time so he took the day off and went shooting with his friends. When he got home I complained a little and told him that today would have been a perfect day to get my fence done. The missionaries showed up to use the computer and Scott pulled through and got them to help put my fence up. I love it and I can see all of the backyards form my Family room now. Yeah I can watch the kids play and I don't have to be out in the heat. Thanks Scott for taking the time to do it.
Wow what a weekend and now the week has begun and the list of things to do is a mile long. What did ya'll do this weekend?


Katrice Phipps said...

Good job kc!!!

Jamie said...

What a whirlwind of a weekend! Happy birthday, Nette! I hope you had a fabulous day!

scrumches bunches said...

Way to go KC we are proud of you.
Yeah Janette you got your fence, it will sure make things alot easier for you now. I am happy for you.

Anonymous said...

that is what I call one heck of a weekend. looks like you guys had fun.

Krystal said...

There was a guy at the ward party taking pictures, and he gave me his web address where you can get the pictures off of if you want to. They are really good. The address is www.flickr.com/gmdgeek The ward party was great you guys, thanks for all the effort you put in to it!

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