Tuesday, September 30, 2008

When to let go.

Saturday was a difficult day for me. Scott was at a Scouting event and I was doing soccer with the kids. I had great moms and dads and wonderful Linda to help me out while I coached Samantha's game. We did great through KC's game as well. I was thinking to myself that I will be able to handle Scott being gone on scouting trips and then.

KC dissapears. We had discussed him going home with some of his team mates but I thought I had made it clear that he couldn't go until I talked to the parents and exchanged phone numbers. I was loading our stuff onto my 2 arms and trying to round all of the kids up. As I approach our Suburban I notice KC is not with me and I think I am seeing him leave in a car.

I waited around the field for a while and never saw him so I am pretty sure he went home with someone. All the way home I am praying and I am searching through my phone to see what numbers I do have and really not trying to call Scott(it was a good thing I didn't call him because his phone was off). We got home how I don't know I don't remember really paying attention to the road. I got the girls settled and was able to find a phone number. It was a Dad and he says I don't know we left in two cars and I am at the store. I will call you when I get home.

What would you do at this point? I was stuck and still was not sure of where my son was.

Luckily the guy thought to call home and call me back with a wonderful answer that they had KC. They had KC call me so I could calm down. When KC got home I made sure he understood the importance of what I tell him.

Later that day Joshlynn had a birthday party to go to @ Crowley Park. For those of you are not familar with this park, you cannot see one end from the other. It roundds and is seperated by tress and a pond. I was planning on leaving Joshlynn for a little bit I had many things I wanted to do, but I did not see the parents anywhere it was just women with hardly any clothing on and really bad language. The host(still not sure the relation to the birthday girl)sent the girls to the playground. No one went with them and you could not see them fron where you are. Oh might I add this is a very busy park there are people everywhere. I decide to stay and so does another dad. I am glad I stayed because the adults left the girls to play at the park and went on with what they wanted to do. For two hrs the girls played at the playground under mine and another fathers supervision. I also had Jami and Zoe with me and we had no water and no sunblock. I was very unprepared. the party went on adn come to find out they host did not want us to leave because they did not want the responsibility. I am glad I listened to that special voice and stayed. I did make Joshlynn leave early. the party was from 4:30-7:00pm with no food. I still had a family to feed.

What would you do with your kids. At what age do you let them go? I love my precious kids and don't want them to leave my side nor sight.

Who wouldn't love these kids aren't they addorable.


The Staub Squad said...

That's crazy. I would be so mad about the b-day party, I can't believe that. Did you say something about it to the women?

Katrice Phipps said...

That's scary , I'm glad he's ok. I was always the Mom that stayed at the birthday parties too. It's hard to know what to let them do!!

Janis said...

Yes they are adorable and as long as you don't feel comfortable leaving them don't! You'll know when and where the time is right to let go a little. Better to hold on tight than let go too soon.

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