Samantha actually got to play a t-ball game this week. We had a dry day and it was great weather and we had a blast playing at the park after. This park has an awesome hill that would be perfect for ice blocking (something that I hear is a very fun activity but never have experienced).
We went swimming everyday this week and we aren't so pasty white anymore. The water is still very cold but we just can't resist all of the fun a pool provides. Jami and Sam remembered so much from their swim lessons last year and Joshlynn's dives are beautiful.
KC's stitches came out on Friday. After I consulted with a dr. in our ward we all agreed it was time to pull them out. My stomach turned the whole time only because I was afraid that I was taking them out too early. Stitches normally stay in for 2 weeks unless they are on the face due to scaring. KC was great and had a lot of friends at the house to watch it all happen.
Today I woke up with Zoe in my bed. She slept there so that she could wish me a happy birthday. What a sweet child. Jami woke up and came running in ready for me to pull her tooth on my birthday. She worked on it so hard yesterday so it would be ready for her to give to me as a present. How thoughtful but how gross.

I think my mom-in-law called lastnight but the voicemail screwed up the song. Thanks a bunch for helping me celebrate and giving me the opportunity to do something for myself.
Love to all and thanks for a special day. I could not have asked for anything better. Ok I really wanted my hubby to come home but that is just wishful thinking. He is doing well and gets to really start tomorrow. I wish him the best of luck and great success to our future.
Doing things the right way and making good choices with all that you do does wonders each moment of the day. Take care ya'll.
Happy late birthday! Sounds like it was a good one!
Glad you had a nice day! So what are you packing for?
Happy belated birthday! I'm glad the kids tried to make it the best for you...sorry, though that Scott couldn't be there. Hang in there!
P.S. Did I miss something? Are you moving somewhere?
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