What have we done to make the time go by you might ask? Well here it goes.
-Samantha missed field trips due to Allergies being mistaken as pink eye.
-KC sprained his ankle
-Nette hosted a baby Shower and while doing so Samanthat managed to climb to the roof of the Rec Center where the shower was.
-Samantha and a sharpie had a blast in my bathroom. she has recently learned how to write all of the letters in the Alphabet and her name. There was no question as to who did the damage.
-We have managed to eat pretty decent meals and some not so decent meals.
-We have learned how to use web video to communicate.
-KC busted his forehead open and we had an 8 hr visit in the ER to get 8 stictches.
-We have held several conversations about the move and everyone is so concerned about the house I don't get it.
-Kids had late nights and sleepovers with great friends and a great teacher while KC and I were at the ER.
-Nette got lessons on taking care of the pool. Just to find out that there is something else wrong.
-KC went camping.
-We have cried.
-We have played.
-And today laundry got done, the tv was on all day, we had three square meals and a great snack, and we listened to the rain. The kids are claiming to be cleaning the playroom but I think they are just playing.
Thanks to everyone for the help, love, support and understanding. A big thanks to my hubby for getting up and going to work and learning and telling me all of the wonderful things of Washington.

1 comment:
Hang in there Janette you have alot on your plate,but you are doing a good job.
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