Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dallas childrens Theater

The kids have worked hard on the library summer reading program and received tickets to see The play Pinkerton. Samantha stood up through the entire play. She didn't want to miss anything. Zoe kept asking "where is dog? Where is dog?" whenever Pinkerton left the stage.

KC wasn't too sure about it at first but he loved and it and had favorite parts. Joshlynn and Jami had a really good time and all that they can say was it was a really fun night and they can't wait to do it again. to find out about the Pinkerton stories.

Before the play the People from the Dallas Museum where there claiming to have lost their T-rex. They had fliers and stories for the kids while we waited in line for the play.

This week we will be looking around Dallas to see if we can spot Tex the t-rex.

Pinkerton was so nice to take a photo with us during autograph time. Zoe wouldn't go near him but when we walked away all she could do was talk about him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a very fun family field trip.

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