Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

On Thanksgiving Day we take a pie or dessert to the Fire station down the street. This year I made Pumpkin bars. All of the kids got to sit in the seat of the Fire Engine. Joshlynn's picture shows a lot of the gages in the fire truck. Zoe toured the station on her own. Luckily it was small and we were able to find her quickly.

Then we ventured over to Linda's house for a wonderful afternoon full of food, love, laughter and snow. The food was great and my kitchen wasn't messy. I actually helped dry dishes and put them away. We had games and colored and pulled out Grandmas toy box.

It was really nice to celebrate with family and at a family members house. We love having Linda here in TX.

1 comment:

scrumches bunches said...

I am glad that you got to have a traditional Thanksgiving sounds like you had alot of fun family time.

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