Saturday, May 02, 2009

We chose to not go to school this week

Does anyone remember what my summer was like last year???? We spent the whole summer with Chicken Pox. I am not about to do the same thing with H1N1. We have too much going on and I would hate for my kids to be that sick.

What did we do. Well KC and Joshlynn did get to go to school just to take their TAKS tests and Jami to do her TPRI test but as soon as they were done they phoned home and I signed them out.

We spent the week exercising, spelling, writing, social Studies, math, science and art and news. I think I covered every subject and they all learned something. So did I. I didn't take pictures because I had 5 different lessons going on at one time. we had fun, but we are hoping that their will be no more cases and we can go back to school on Monday.

We did weather reports, made a volcano, color wheels and mixed colors, State reports, along with age appropriate writing activities and mathematics. the kids amaze me with the stuff they already know and the things they were willing to learn. We had lots of play time and did real P.E. I say real P.E. because we actually did some physical activities like running and knee bends and danced. I moved these kids until they dropped and we loved it.

Zoe participated with it all but on Friday she asked when is she going to have her home back. She said some pretty funny things this week. My favorite was "Foot stop Snoreing". She was sitting on her knees doing her work and her foot fell asleep and when it started tingling she thought it was snoreing.

I love all of my kids and had a great week with them. I am grateful for the patience that I was blessed with this week and for the knowledge I do have to teach my kids.

May we all stay Strong and Healthy.


Baranie said...

Was there a case at your school? I hadn't heard any in GISD.

scrumches bunches said...

Good job Janette, sounds like the kids had a lot of fun learning with Mom as school teacher, and I love the snooring feet that is hilarious.

Jamie said...

Wow! I can't imagine homeschooling my kids for a day, let alone an entire week! Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Hope you are all healthy and well.

LOVE the foot snoring!

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